Farmgate Schedule and Submission Forms

If you are interested in submitting new Farmgate Exclusive SKUs, this page will guide you through key milestones of the submission process.

On this page you’ll find the following resources:

  • The Farmgate Product Listing schedule, which includes dates for key milestones within the process, from submission to when products are available for order.  

  • Submission forms are to be completed when the Farmgate Product Listing cycles are open.  

  • PO Submission process for Farmgate Exclusive and Farmgate General List SKUs, applicable for any Farmgate SKU intended for sale in a Farmgate Store.

If you are new to working with the OCS, see the About Farmgate page for a full overview of the process.


(Farmgate Exclusive)

(Farmgate Exclusive)

(Farmgate Exclusive & General List)

Listing Submission Form (Farmgate Exclusive)

This process is for Farmgate Exclusive SKUs only. Any item that is a Farmgate General List SKU should be submitted through the normal Product Call process.


Deadline: February 28, 2025 – 5:00 PM EST

Eligible Suppliers (those that hold appropriate licences from Health Canada and the AGCO) are invited to submit through the Farmgate Product Listing process by the date(s) listed in the schedule. The OCS collects submissions and provides all Suppliers with feedback and issues NTPs to applicants.

Schedule (Farmgate Exclusive)

There will be approximately seven (7) Farmgate Product Listing cycles annually. A rolling calendar will be kept allowing Suppliers time to plan appropriately. Carefully review the Farmgate Store Submits Sales Order column and only submit products that will be available to launch by the start dates listed. These start dates reflect when the items are available for sale in your retail location. Items that fail to meet the milestones in the calendar will be removed and can be resubmitted to the next open listing cycle.

For general inquiries, please contact the OCS Merchandising Team at

PO Listing Submission Form (Farmgate Exclusive & General List)

(Farmgate Exclusive & General List)

This process is applicable for Farmgate SKUs only, which are intended for sale in a Farmgate Store. Any items submitted that are not Farmgate SKUs will not be actioned. The OCS will issue a PO to the Supplier for a product based on anticipated demand for the Farmgate Store.

The OCS holds the right to review and reject requested Farmgate PO requests. For new items, please submit in accordance with the dates listed on the Farmgate Product Listing schedule, and POs will be issued in accordance with the schedule.

For both new and replenishment items, the Supplier will be required to upload their COA prior to the PO being confirmed by the OCS. Once a COA has been reviewed by our Quality Assurance team, the PO will be confirmed and inventory can be moved into the virtual warehouse.  

Once the PO has been confirmed, the Supplier should immediately place a Sales Order for the inventory. Upon confirmation by the OCS, it will be deemed ready for sale at the Farmgate Store.  

Replenishment POs can be submitted at any time and will have PO issuance within two (2) to five (5) business days.

Before you submit, please ensure you have provided all the critical information:

  • OCS SKU number

  • Units

  • Master Cases quantity*

  • Batch and lot number

  • Packaged-on date

  • Product Name EN (please provide full product name as it will appear on packaging)

*Please note, POs can be placed in Master Case quantities only